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‘Dire wolves’ differ from the common variety only in size and color. They typically stand taller than a horse at the shoulder, and have an appetite to match. Only a madman would willingly encounter them; but goblins, at great cost to themselves, have managed to tame and ride them.

The claws of a wolf are not generally regarded as being the more dangerous parts, but on a beast this large, they are thicker and longer than iron nails. Their riders smear a poison on the front set, not unlike that used by the orcish assassins, making a swipe from these beasts’ paws into a most deadly stroke.

Ypatingos pastabos: The victims of this unit’s poison will continually take damage until they can be cured in town or by a unit which cures.


Tobulėja iš: Goblinų riteris
Tobulėja į:
Kaina: 41
GT: 61
Judėjimas: 10
PT: 150
Level: 3
Prigimtis: chaotiškas
IDDirewolf Rider

Atakos (damage - count)

9 - 4
4 - 4


(icon) kirtimas0% (icon) dūris0%
(icon) smūgis0% (icon) ugnis0%
(icon) šaltis0% (icon) paslaptinga0%


Judėjimo kaina
(icon) Gilus vanduo-0%
(icon) Grybų giraitė340%
(icon) Kaimas160%
(icon) Kalnai260%
(icon) Kalvos150%
(icon) Miškas250%
(icon) Nevaikštoma-0%
(icon) Pakrantės uolynai230%
(icon) Pelkė330%
(icon) Pilis160%
(icon) Plokščia140%
(icon) Seklus vanduo320%
(icon) Smėlis230%
(icon) Urvas240%
(icon) Užšalusi220%